Help to Grow Social Confidence and Tackle Imposter Mindset – Group Coaching Session

Help to Grow Social Confidence and Tackle Imposter Mindset - Group Coaching Session

Help to Grow Social Confidence and Tackle Imposter Mindset (Accredited): CPD Accredited Group Coaching Session
Includes 30 minutes networking and refreshments

Date and Time:
Thursday 28th March 2024, 1:30pm to 4:30pm (3 hours)

Midlands Arts Centre, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham, B12 9QH

Group coaching session: £97 + payment processing fee (£1.66) + VAT

Also available: 
Group coaching session plus 1:1 session: £150 + payment processing fee (£2.45) + VAT

£19.73 (tax)
Total: £118.39